Our Story

Since 2010, the Boulder Incident Management Team (IMT) has been a crucial resource for Boulder County. For over a decade, the IMT has assisted the County by providing structure in the midst of disaster and managing damage during catastrophe, especially when the community is most overwhelmed. The Team is made up of trained professionals—most of whom volunteer their time—all of whom are passionate about assisting residents, mitigating damage, and de-escalating crises.

Local incident management teams are invaluable assets to their communities in times of crisis. Deploying a team that has personal knowledge and understanding of the area and relationships with the public and private sectors equates to quicker collaboration and smoother operations. Local team members are able to better coordinate response activities and overcome complexities posed by the incidents at hand. These benefits contribute to a higher degree of potential readiness—more so than an outside management team.

With rising costs of disasters and an increased demand of resources leading to limited availability, the Boulder IMT offers a critical resource to the state of Colorado as well as our own community.

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Stories and Impact

Read lessons learned from the Boulder IMT on our blog.

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We are always looking for dedicated individuals to join the team.

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